Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Landon Slone Wants To Re-Join The UK Basketball Team

Landon Slone has interest again in someday playing for the Cats someday. Slone, who earlier this year transferred to Morehead State re-enrolled at UK after three days of classes this fall semester. He was "cut" from the basketball team earlier by Calipari and did not get a chance to meet with Coach Cal. It's one of the few things people have criticized about Calipari for not meeting with Slone before cutting him. Calipari replied not knowing that Slone wanted to meet with him, so Landon hopes to get a chance to talk with him soon. Landon Slone says he doesn't expect to get to be back on the team this year because of how far the Cats are to this point but he would like to join on next year if possible. Eligibility would be unaffected if he were to transfer within the first ten days of class, so since he's back at Kentucky, he could get to play this year. Here's what Landon Slone had to say.
"I can't say I'll ever be able to play for Kentucky again," "I'd love to. No matter what it took." "I don't know if I was comparing it to Kentucky," he said about Morehead State. "I couldn't see myself being comfortable there. I couldn't see myself fitting in. ... I just didn't feel right. I felt Kentucky was my home." "I don't know if I lost a bit of my love to play, it hurt my want-to." "I have a certain love for Kentucky (basketball). It's hard when you love it as much as I do." "I don't expect to play this year. They're into it, and they're into it pretty far." "If I could play next year and finish my career up (at UK), it would be a great thing."

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